Chamaenerion angustifolium

Common Names:

  • Fireweed
  • Willow Herb

Phonetic Spelling:

kam-ay-NER-ee-on an-gus-tih-FOH-lee-um


  • Appearance: A tall, herbaceous perennial with spikes of showy pink flowers that bloom from late summer to fall.
  • Leaves: Narrow, willow-like leaves.
  • Flowers: Bright pink to purple flowers in long spikes.
  • Fruits: Slender, cylindrical seed pods.


Native to temperate regions of North America, thriving in open areas, especially after wildfires.

Environmental Benefits:

One of the first plants to colonize after wildfires, stabilizing soil and providing nectar for pollinators.

Fun Fact:

Fireweed gets its name because it quickly appears after forest fires and helps restore the land.


One response to “Chamaenerion angustifolium”

  1. Hannah Ko Avatar

    This will often colonize disturbed areas especially recently burned areas, that’s why it’s called “Fireweed”

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