Asarum canadense

Common Names:

  • Wild Ginger
  • Canadian Wild Ginger

Phonetic Spelling:

ah-SAIR-um kan-a-DEN-say


  • Appearance: A low-growing, shade-loving perennial with heart-shaped leaves and small, bell-shaped flowers.
  • Leaves: Large, kidney-shaped, dark green leaves.
  • Flowers: Small, reddish-brown flowers hidden beneath the leaves.
  • Fruits: Capsule-like seedpods.


Native to the woodlands of eastern North America. Also found in East Asia where they are often used for herbal medicines and daily teas.

Environmental Benefits:

Wild Ginger acts as a natural ground cover, helping to prevent soil erosion in forested areas.

Fun Fact:

Wild Ginger’s roots have a ginger-like aroma and were once used as a spice substitute!


2 responses to “Asarum canadense”

  1. Bill Brandon Avatar
    Bill Brandon

    This plant is deer-resistant so deer tend to dislike it and usually avoid eating it.

    1. Hannah Ko Avatar

      I didn’t know that, thanks for sharing!

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