Baptisia sphaerocarpa

Common Names:

  • Yellow Wild Indigo
  • Bush Clover

Phonetic Spelling:

bap-TIS-ee-uh sfee-ruh-KAR-puh


  • Appearance: A bushy, perennial herb with bright yellow flowers that bloom in spring.
  • Leaves: Compound, trifoliate leaves.
  • Flowers: Bright yellow, pea-like flowers.
  • Fruits: Inflated, spherical seed pods.


Native to the southern United States, growing in prairies and open woodlands.

Environmental Benefits:

A nitrogen-fixer, improving soil quality while providing nectar for pollinators.

Fun Fact:

Historically used to make a yellow dye, Wild Indigo is now popular in native gardens for its toughness and prettiness.


2 responses to “Baptisia sphaerocarpa”

  1. Dr. Albert Avatar

    I know this one is for respiratory viruses (cold and flus) and sore throats for younger children.

    1. Hannah Ko Avatar

      I had no idea, that’s probably why they don’t plant these often in public spaces.

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