Baptisia sphaerocarpa
Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: bap-TIS-ee-uh sfee-ruh-KAR-puh Description: Distribution/Location: Native to the southern United States, growing in prairies and open woodlands. Environmental Benefits: A nitrogen-fixer, improving soil quality while…
4 min read
Cercis canadensis
Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: SER-sis kan-a-DEN-sis Description: Distribution/Location: Native to eastern North America, common in woodland edges and along streams. Environmental Benefits: Provides early-season nectar for pollinators, including…
4 min read
Verbena hastata
Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: ver-BEE-nuh has-TAH-tuh Description: Distribution/Location: Found across North America in wetlands and moist prairies. Environmental Benefits: Attracts butterflies and other pollinators, while its roots help…
4 min read
Baptisia australis
Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: bap-TIS-ee-uh aws-TRAL-is Description: Distribution/Location: Native to North America, thriving in prairies and meadows. Environmental Benefits: A nitrogen-fixer that improves soil health, supports native bees,…
4 min read
Amelanchier canadensis
Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: am-uh-LANG-kee-er kan-a-DEN-sis Description: Distribution/Location: Native to eastern North America, thriving in forests and open woodlands. Environmental Benefits: Its berries are a food source for…
4 min read
Hippophae rhamnoides
Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: HIP-oh-fay ram-NOY-deez Description: A spiny, deciduous shrub with narrow, silver-green leaves and bright orange berries. Linear, silver-green leaves. Small, yellowish flowers. Bright orange berries.…
4 min read