
  • Welwitschia mirabilis

    Welwitschia mirabilis Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: wel-WIT-shee-uh mir-uh-BIL-is Description: Welwitschia mirabilis is a unique plant with only two long, strap-like leaves that continue growing throughout its life. It…

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    4 min read

  • Tree of Ténéré (Acacia raddiana)

    Physical Description The Tree of Ténéré, a solitary Acacia species, was notable for being the only tree for hundreds of kilometers in the Sahara Desert. It had a…

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  • Chamerion angustifolium

    Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: kam-EER-ee-on an-gus-tee-FOH-lee-um Description: Chamerion angustifolium is a perennial herbaceous plant that typically grows 0.5 to 2.5 meters (1.5 to 8 feet) tall. It has…

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  • Acanthomintha ilicifolia

    Common Names: San Diego Thornmint Phonetic Spelling: a-kan-tho-MIN-tha il-i-si-FOH-lee-uh Description: Acanthomintha ilicifolia is a small annual herb that typically grows 10 to 40 centimeters (4 to 16 inches)…

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  • Pinus contorta

    Common Names: Lodgepole Pine, Shore Pine, Twisted Pine Phonetic Spelling: PIE-nus kon-TOR-tuh Description: Pinus contorta is a versatile evergreen conifer that varies significantly in size and form depending…

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  • Kokia (Kokia drynarioides)

    Physical Description Kokia is a small tree or shrub endemic to Hawaii, typically reaching heights of up to 6 meters (20 feet). It has broad, dark green leaves…

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