Category: Fruits

  • Lindera Erythrocarpa (Red-fruited Spicebush)

    Description: Typically grows to 2-5 meters (6.5-16.5 feet) tall. Alternate, simple, elliptic to ovate, with a pointed tip and entire margin. Leaves are dark green in the summer and turn yellow to orange-red in the autumn. Small, yellow-green, and clustered in axillary umbels, blooming in early spring before the leaves emerge. Distribution/Location: East Asia, including…

  • Berberis Vulgaris (Common Barberry)

    Description: Common barberry, European barberry typically grow to 2-3 meters (6-10 ft) tall, small, oval to oblong, with serrated edges. Leaves are clustered in whorls around the stem, bright green turning to reddish or yellow in autumn. Oblong red berries, around 1 cm long, ripening in late summer or early autumn. The berries are edible…

  • Prunus armeniaca

    Description: Prunus armeniaca known as Apricot trees are deciduous trees belonging to the Rosaceae family. They are known for their small to medium size, typically reaching heights of 8 to 12 meters (26 to 39 feet). The trees have broad, ovate leaves that are serrated along the edges and typically measure 5 to 9 cm…

  • Ziziphus Jujuba

    Common Name(s): Jujube, Chinese Date, Indian Plum Phonetic Spelling: ZIZ-uh-fuss joo-JOO-buh Description: Heights range from 15 feet all the way to 50 feet tall. Characterized by its dense, zigzag-shaped branches, and small green leaves. Takes around 3-4 years to bear fruit. Extremely drought tolerant and grows in diverse climates. However, it thrives in warm/hot summer…