Tag: beneaththebough

  • Cornus sericea

    Phonetic Spelling KOR-nus ser-ISS-ee-uh Common Names Appearance Habitats Found in wetlands, along streams, and in moist woodland edges across North America. Environmental Impacts Growth Factors Fun Facts

  • Heteromeles arbutifolia

    Phonetic Spelling het-er-OM-uh-leez ar-byoo-tih-FOH-lee-uh Common Names Appearance Habitats

  • Achillea millefolium

    Phonetic Spelling ah-KIL-ee-uh mil-eh-FOH-lee-um Common Names Appearance Habitats Environmental Impacts Growth Factors Fun Facts

  • Lindera benzoin

    Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: lin-DAIR-uh ben-ZOY-nuh Description: Distribution/Location: Native to the eastern United States, common in moist woodlands. We sometimes grow these for the Irvine Ranch Conservancy or see them while hiking near the OC Parks! Environmental Benefits: The berries are a food source for birds, and the shrub provides habitat for wildlife, including insects…

  • Corylus americana

    Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: KOR-ih-lus ah-mer-ih-KAY-nuh Description: Distribution/Location: Found in woodlands and forest edges throughout eastern North America. Commonly grown throughout the US, and also in our garden! However, the American Hazelnuts, unlike the European ones, are not commerically grown. Environmental Benefits: Provides food for birds, small mammals, and humans. They can also work as…