Tag: botany
Quercus agrifolia
Phonetic Spelling KWER-kus ag-rih-FOH-lee-uh Common Names Appearance Habitats Environmental Impacts Growth Factors Fun Facts
Eriophorum vaginatum
Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: air-ee-oh-FOR-um vaj-ih-NAY-tum Description: Eriophorum vaginatum is a perennial herbaceous plant that forms dense clumps, or tussocks, typically growing 30 to 70 centimeters (12 to 28 inches) tall. It is recognized for its distinctive white, fluffy, cotton-like flower heads. The leaves are narrow, grass-like, and grow primarily from the base of the…
Picea sitchensis
Common Names: Sitka Spruce Phonetic Spelling: PIE-see-uh sit-CHEN-sis Description: Picea sitchensis is a large evergreen coniferous tree that can grow up to 50 to 70 meters (165 to 230 feet) tall, with some individuals reaching up to 100 meters (330 feet). The trunk diameter can be 1 to 2.5 meters (3 to 8 feet). The…
Saint Helena Gumwood (Commidendrum robustum)
Physical Description The Saint Helena Gumwood is a small to medium-sized tree, reaching heights of up to 15 meters (50 feet). It has smooth, light-colored bark and dense, evergreen foliage with small, ovate leaves. The tree produces small, greenish-white flowers and fruiting capsules. Environmental Concerns The Saint Helena Gumwood is critically endangered due to habitat…
Plumbago auriculata
Common Names: Blue Plumbago, Cape Plumbago, Sky Flower Phonetic Spelling: PLUM-buh-go aw-rik-yoo-LAY-tuh Description: The Plumbago auriculata is a semi-evergreen shrub that can grow 1 to 3 meters (3 to 10 feet) tall and wide. It has a sprawling, spreading habit with woody stems and branches. The leaves are oval to heart-shaped, bright green, and 5…