Tag: flowers
Heliconia rostrata
Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: hel-ih-KOH-nee-uh roh-STRAH-tuh Description: Distribution/Location: Environmental Concerns: Fun Fact: Heliconia rostrata is a favorite among hummingbirds, who are perfectly adapted to feed from its tubular flowers. The plant and the birds have evolved together, with the flowers curving just right to match the hummingbirds’ beaks!
Amorphophallus titanum
Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: ah-MOR-foh-FAL-us TY-tuh-num Description: Amorphophallus titanum is one of the largest and most infamous flowering plants, growing up to 3 meters (10 feet) in height. It produces a single massive inflorescence with a central spike (spadix) surrounded by a large petal-like structure (spathe). The plant produces a single large leaf that can…
Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra)
Physical Description The Frankincense Tree is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree native to the Arabian Peninsula and Northeast Africa. It has papery, peeling bark and a twisted, gnarled trunk. The tree produces clusters of small, fragrant white flowers and oval, greenish fruit. It is best known for its aromatic resin, frankincense, which has been…
Honduran Rosewood (Dalbergia stevensonii)
Physical Description Honduran Rosewood is a medium-sized, deciduous tree native to Central America, particularly Belize and Honduras. It has a dense, rounded crown and glossy, pinnate leaves. The tree’s wood is highly valued for its rich, reddish-brown color and fine grain, making it a popular choice for musical instruments and fine furniture. Environmental Concerns Honduran…
Toromiro (Sophora toromiro)
Physical Description Toromiro is a small, flowering tree or shrub native to Easter Island. It has a gnarled, twisted trunk with smooth, gray bark and pinnate leaves. The tree produces bright yellow flowers that are pollinated by insects. Toromiro is well adapted to the arid conditions of Easter Island. Environmental Concerns Toromiro is extinct in…