Tag: flowers
Protea cynaroides
Common Names: King Protea Phonetic Spelling: pro-TEE-uh sin-ar-OY-deez Description: Protea cynaroides is a large, evergreen shrub or small tree with striking, artichoke-like flower heads. It can grow up to 3 meters (10 feet) tall. The leaves are thick, leathery, and ovate to lanceolate, with a silvery or grey-green color. The flowers are large, with pink,…
Franklin Tree (Franklinia alatamaha)
Physical Description The Franklin tree is a deciduous shrub or small tree that typically grows up to 15-20 feet (4.5-6 meters) tall. It has large, glossy, dark green leaves that turn yellow to red in the fall. The tree produces striking, fragrant white flowers with yellow centers that bloom in late summer. Environmental Concerns The…
Linaria vulgaris
Common Names: Common Toadflax, Butter-and-Eggs, Wild Snapdragon Phonetic Spelling: li-NAIR-ee-uh vul-GAIR-iss Description: Linaria vulgaris is a perennial herb that typically grows 30 to 90 centimeters (1 to 3 feet) tall. It has a slender, erect form with multiple branched stems. The leaves are narrow, lance-shaped, and arranged alternately or in whorls along the stem. They…
Baccharis salicifolia
Common Names: Mule Fat, Seepwillow, Water-Wally Phonetic Spelling: BAK-uh-ris sal-ih-sih-FOH-lee-uh Description: The Baccharis salicifolia is a perennial, evergreen shrub that typically grows 1 to 3 meters (3 to 10 feet) tall. It has a rounded to irregular shape with many slender, woody stems. The leaves are narrow, lance-shaped, and resemble those of a willow tree,…
Erigeron rhizomatus
Common Name(s): Lyon’s PentachaetaLyon’s, Pentachaeta Daisy Phonetic Spelling: pen-tuh-KEE-tuh lee-OH-nee-eye Description: Pentachaeta lyonii is a small annual herb in the sunflower family (Asteraceae) that typically grows to about 10 to 30 centimeters tall. The leaves are linear to narrowly lanceolate and may have a few teeth or be entirely smooth. Its most distinct feature are…