Tag: invasive
Marrubium vulgare
Common Names: Horehound, White Horehound, Common Horehound Phonetic Spelling: mah-ROO-bee-um vul-GAIR-ee Description: The Marrubium vulgare is a perennial herb that typically grows 30 to 60 centimeters (1 to 2 feet) tall. It has a bushy form with square stems covered in white, woolly hairs. The leaves are opposite, oval to oblong, 2.5 to 5 centimeters…
Linaria vulgaris
Common Names: Common Toadflax, Butter-and-Eggs, Wild Snapdragon Phonetic Spelling: li-NAIR-ee-uh vul-GAIR-iss Description: Linaria vulgaris is a perennial herb that typically grows 30 to 90 centimeters (1 to 3 feet) tall. It has a slender, erect form with multiple branched stems. The leaves are narrow, lance-shaped, and arranged alternately or in whorls along the stem. They…