Tag: plants

  • Lindera benzoin

    Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: lin-DAIR-uh ben-ZOY-nuh Description: Distribution/Location: Native to the eastern United States, common in moist woodlands. We sometimes grow these for the Irvine Ranch Conservancy or see them while hiking near the OC Parks! Environmental Benefits: The berries are a food source for birds, and the shrub provides habitat for wildlife, including insects…

  • Asarum canadense

    Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: ah-SAIR-um kan-a-DEN-say Description: Distribution/Location: Native to the woodlands of eastern North America. Also found in East Asia where they are often used for herbal medicines and daily teas. Environmental Benefits: Wild Ginger acts as a natural ground cover, helping to prevent soil erosion in forested areas. Fun Fact: Wild Ginger’s roots…

  • Baptisia sphaerocarpa

    Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: bap-TIS-ee-uh sfee-ruh-KAR-puh Description: Distribution/Location: Native to the southern United States, growing in prairies and open woodlands. Environmental Benefits: A nitrogen-fixer, improving soil quality while providing nectar for pollinators. Fun Fact: Historically used to make a yellow dye, Wild Indigo is now popular in native gardens for its toughness and prettiness.

  • Podophyllum peltatum

    Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: poh-doh-FIL-um pel-TAY-tum Description: Distribution/Location: Native to the eastern United States, commonly found in shady forests. Environmental Benefits: Provides food for wildlife, especially turtles, who enjoy the fruits. Crucial energy source for primary consumers. Fun Fact: While the fruits are edible when ripe, other parts of the plant are toxic and were…

  • Trifolium repens

    Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: try-FOH-lee-um REE-penz Description: White Clover is a low-growing, perennial herb with trifoliate leaves and small, white to pinkish flowers arranged in dense, round heads. It spreads via creeping stems that root at the nodes, forming a dense mat. The leaves are trifoliate, with three leaflets that are often marked with a…