Tag: pretty
Cornus sericea
Phonetic Spelling KOR-nus ser-ISS-ee-uh Common Names Appearance Habitats Found in wetlands, along streams, and in moist woodland edges across North America. Environmental Impacts Growth Factors Fun Facts
Dicentra formosa
Phonetic Spelling dy-SEN-truh for-MO-suh Common Names Appearance Habitats Found in moist woodlands and forest edges along the Pacific coast. Environmental Impacts Growth Factors Fun Facts
Lilium humboldtii
Phonetic Spelling LIL-ee-um hum-BOLDT-ee-eye Common Names Appearance Habitats Native to California’s mountain woodlands and chaparral, often found in shady, moist slopes. Environmental Impacts Growth Factors Fun Facts
Achillea millefolium
Phonetic Spelling ah-KIL-ee-uh mil-eh-FOH-lee-um Common Names Appearance Habitats Environmental Impacts Growth Factors Fun Facts
Corylus americana
Common Names: Phonetic Spelling: KOR-ih-lus ah-mer-ih-KAY-nuh Description: Distribution/Location: Found in woodlands and forest edges throughout eastern North America. Commonly grown throughout the US, and also in our garden! However, the American Hazelnuts, unlike the European ones, are not commerically grown. Environmental Benefits: Provides food for birds, small mammals, and humans. They can also work as…