
  • Alnus Japonica (Japanese Alder)

    Description: Also known as Japanese Alder, one of Birch family, Typically 15-20 meters (50-65 feet), but can reach up to 30 meters (100 feet) in ideal conditions. Alternate,…

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    4 min read

  • Betula Platyphylla (Asian White Birch)

    Description: Betula platyphylla, commonly known as the Asian White Birch, is a deciduous tree in the Betulaceae family. It typically grows to a height of 15 to 25…

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  • Prunus armeniaca

    Description: Prunus armeniaca known as Apricot trees are deciduous trees belonging to the Rosaceae family. They are known for their small to medium size, typically reaching heights of…

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  • Persian silk tree

    Description: The Persian silk tree is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree, typically growing 5-12 meters (16-39 feet) in height. The tree has bipinnate leaves that are feathery…

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  • Arabis macdonaldiana

    common name(s): McDonald’s rock cress, Red Mountain rock cress description: This flowering plant is of the mustard family and is commonly known as the MacDonald’s rockcress. They are…

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  • Acer rubrum

    Commonly known as the Red Maple, is a widely distributed and versatile tree in North America. Description: The leaves are typically 5–10 cm long and wide, with 3-5…

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