Japanese Camellia
Description: The Japanese camellia produces large, showy flowers, typically in shades of red, pink, and white. The flowers can be single, semi-double, or double, with overlapping petals. The…
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Prunus speciosa
Common Name(s): Oshima cherry Phonetic Spelling: /ˈpruːnəs ˌspɛsiˈoʊsə/ Description: Celebrated for its profusion of fragrant white flowers that bloom in early spring, creating a striking contrast against its…
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Chlamydomonas spp (phytoplankton)
Common Name(s): Phytoplankton, Brown algae, Coccolithophores, Bacterioplankton, Zooplankton Phonetic Spelling: kla-mi-dome-ass/fy-toe-plank-tons Description: Phytoplankton are usually tiny, with only a few micrometers in diameter, making them invisible to the…
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Paulownia coreana
Also called Paulownia glabrata or Korean paulownia, is an indigenous species of South Korea. It is cultivated in South Pyongan and south of Gyeonggi Description: Korean paulownia is…
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Adansonia Digitata
Common name(s): African Baobab Tree, Monkey Bread Tree, Bottle Tree, Tree of Life Phonetic Spelling: A-dan-so-nia dig-i-tata Description: Stands at 16-82 feet tall. Characterized by its cylindrical shape…
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Opuntia Basilaris
Image by Shaun Roche Common Name(s): Prickly Pear Cactus Phonetic Spelling: oh-PUN-tee-uh bah-SIL-uh-ris Description: Has both long and short spikes. Also characterized by its red to purple fruit,…
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