
  • rosa alba maxima

    Image by Hannah Ko common name(s): white oil-bearing rose, white rose, white rose of York, sufaid gulab, old shrub rose, Jacobite rose phonetic spelling: Ro-za AL-bah description: flowers…

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  • Olea Europaea

    Common Name(s):  European Olive, Olive, Olive Tree Phonetic Spelling:  OH-lee-uh yoo-ROH-pee-uh Description:  Usually a smaller tree, but can grow up to 15 meters. Often used to make olive…

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  • Rosa Rubiginosa

    Common Names: Sweet-Brier Phonetic Spelling: ROH-suh roo-bi-JIN-oh-suh Description: Characterized by its smooth stem which has occasional thorns scattered throughout. Flowers have pink and white flowers which have five…

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  • Pinus Koraiensis

    Image by: Hannah Ko (July 2020) Common Name(s):  Korean Pine, Jat-Namu Phonetic Spelling:  PY-nus kor-ee-EN-siss Description:  Stands at 30-50 feet tall, but has the potential to grow up…

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  • Picea Pungens

    Common Name(s): Blue Spruce, Green Spruce Phonetic Spelling: PY-see-uh PUN-jenz Description:  Can grow to around 75-100 feet tall. Notable characteristics include its dense leaves and branches, silvery blue…

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  • Phaeolus schweinitzii

    Common Name(s):  Velvet-top fungus, dyer’s polypore, dyer’s mazegill, pine dye polypore Phonetic Spelling:  FEE-oh-luss shvyn-EET-see-eye Description:  Often found in the base of tree trunks. Characterized by its brown…

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