Sequoiadendron Giganteum
Common name(s): Giant Sequoia, Giant Redwood, Sierra redwood Phonetic Spelling: Sih-KWOY-uh-DEN-dron jy-GAN-tee-um Description: Due to its ability to pull water from the ground, the giant sequoias can grow…
4 min read
Larrea Tridentata
image by: Hannah Ko common name(s): creosote bush, greasewood, chaparral, gobernadora, hediondilla (smelly) phonetic spelling: LAIR-ee-uh try-den-TAY-tuh descirption: the creosote bush is part of the Zygophyllaceae family, which…
4 min read
Pinus Strobus
Common Name(s): Pinus Strobus Phonetic Spelling: PY-nus STROH-bus Description: Reaching 50-80 feet tall and 20-40 feet wide, this graceful conifer adds vertical interest and shade to your property.…
4 min read
Quercus douglasii
Photo by Mark W. Skinner Common Name(s): Blue Oak Phonetic Spelling: “ˈkwɜrkəs duːˈɡlæsii” Description: A slow-aging oak tree that grows less than 30 centimeters per year. Has slightly…
4 min read
Rosa Alba
Common Name(s): White Rose, White Rose Of York Phonetic Spelling: ROH-suh AHL-buh Description: Characterized by its white flowers, greenish-bluish leaves, and tall undergrowth. In addition, also known for…
4 min read
Eschscholzia californica
Common Names: California Poppy, Golden Poppy, California Sunlight, Cup of Gold Phonetic Spelling: Es-kol-zee-uh kal-uh-for-ni-kuh Description: Stands at approximately 5 to 61 centimeters tall. Characterized by its four…
4 min read