
  • Ziziphus Jujuba

    Common Name(s): Jujube, Chinese Date, Indian Plum Phonetic Spelling: ZIZ-uh-fuss joo-JOO-buh Description: Heights range from 15 feet all the way to 50 feet tall. Characterized by its dense,…

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    4 min read

  • Tsuga Heterophylla

    Common Name(s): Western Hemlock, Western Hemlock-Spruce Phonetic Spelling: SOO-ga het-er-oh-FIL-uh Description: Initially, it grows slowly, but full-light seedlings can grow at an average of 60 cm or 2…

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  • Samanea Saman

    Common name(s): Monkeypod Tree, Rain Tree Phonetic Spelling:  Suh-MAY-nee-uh suh-MAHN Description: Stands at around 30 meters tall but can reach up to 60 meters tall in native regions.…

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  • Manchurian Walnut Tree

    Juglans mandshurica, also known as monkey nuts, or tigernut, is a species of deciduous tree in the walnut family Juglandacea, native to the Eastern Asiatic Region (China, Russian Far East, North Korea and South Korea).…

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  • Toxicodendron radicans

    Common Name(s): Toxicodendron radicans, also known as Eastern Poison Ivy, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak Phonetic Spelling: toks-ee-ko-DEN-dron RAD-ee-kans Description:  Poison ivy, a widespread North American plant, causes itchy rashes through…

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  • Pentachaeta lyonii

    Common Name(s): Pentachaeta lyonii, Lyon’s pentachaeta, Lyon’s pygmydaisy Phonetic Spelling: pen-ta-KEE-ta LIE-on-ee-eye Description:  This is an annual herb of the sunflower family characterized by yellow flower heads that bloom…

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